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Why was life simpler in the past?

Some things were actually simpler to do 50 years ago. It was easier to meet new people and find your significant other (in life — not on technology). It was cheaper to see a movie and to buy a house. In the past, it was easier to support your family with one income.

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Come si riconosce in una frase il past simple e past continuous?

Il passato può essere usato in diversi modi in inglese. Il passato italiano remoto prende il nome passato semplice in inglese. Se un'azione è iniziata in passato ma deve ancora concludersi, si parla di passato continuo.

Di conseguenza,, what is the adverb of easy?

effortlessly, smoothly, comfortably, simply, readily, painlessly, conveniently, deftly, efficiently, facilely, fluently, freely, handily, skilfully, straightforwardly, calmly, competently, coolly, dexterously, lightly, nimbly, steadily, well, evenly, quickly, smartly, swimmingly, uncomplicatedly, easy, with ease, How do you use most and more adjectives? For adjectives with two syllables we generally use 'more' or 'most'. But some two syllable adjectives can take 'er' or 'est'. It's also fine to use 'more' (for the comparative) or 'most' (for the superlative). Adjectives with two syllables that end in 'y' usually can add 'er' or 'est' (y generally changes to i).

Is more a superlative?

These very common adjectives have completely irregular comparative and superlative forms. Irregular comparatives and superlatives. Adjective Comparative Superlative good better best bad worse worst little less least much more most 1 altra riga Is more little correct? If 'little' is about number (like amount of money) then it goes: little, less, least. If about size, there are two options, more formal is that you switch to 'small': little, smaller, smallest. Informally it is: little, littler, littlest. 'More little'' and 'most little' are formal and old fashioned to me.

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Quando si utilizza il past perfect e quando il past simple?

Passato continuo e passato semplice descrivere azioni che hanno avuto luogo nel passato recente o lontano.

Riguardo a questo,, how do you say more little?

If little means "small in size," the comparative is littler or more little, and the superlative is littlest. If little means "small amount of," the comparative is less, and the superlative is least. La gente chiede anche:, what is the comparative and superlative of comfortable? comfortable, more comfortable, the most comfortable.

Di conseguenza,, is more proud grammatically correct?

'More proud' is grammatically correct and perfectly acceptable to use. 'Prouder' is technically more correct and better to use when writing in English, but 'more proud' is correct and accepted.

Di Niles Freudenburg

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