Gufosaggio > I > Is It Angrier Or More Angry?

Is it angrier or more angry?

The comparative form of angry; more angry. She was getting angrier with every minute.

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Chi sono più belle le more o le bionde?

Sembra che gli uomini preferiscano le bionde perché pensano di essere più giovani e di avere un aspetto più sano delle brune. Alla vista del genere maschile, i capelli biondi danno alle donne un aspetto più giovane e più sano. Non disperare.

Do we say happier or more happy?

Which is correct? “Happier” is correct in English because the adjective “happy” ends in “y”. The rule in English is that when you have an adjective that ends in “y”, you need to drop the “y” and add “ier” to make the comparative form. Is it kinder or more kind? The Comparative and Superlative Forms for Kind If the purpose is to express comparison between two people or things, the answer is “kinder.” If the purpose is to express comparison where there are more than two people or things involved, the answer is “kindest.”

Tenendo presente questo,, is more busy grammatically correct?

'more busy' is an attempt to shift the degree of the word (busy) from positive to comparative but 'busier' is the comparative for 'busy' so 'busier' is the correct word or term. Can you say more small? The term 'more smaller' can be used but I would not recommend it as it is not grammatically correct. If you were to write this in a test, essay or say it is a speech, you would be asked down. But for slang purposes it can be said. People cannot tell you what you can and cannot say.

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Che animale mangia le more?

La dieta della volpe in autunno è ricca di bacche selvatiche e frutta, così come radici e tuberi.

Si può anche chiedere:, is it more pretty or prettier?

The comparative of a two syllable noun ending in y is formed by replacing the final -y with -ier. So prettier is correct. More pretty is incorrect. Rispetto a questo,, do you say more gentle or gentler? Most dictionaries list "gentler" as the comparative form of "gentle", but "more gentle" also sounds correct. 30 apr 2018

Can you say more funny?

So in answer to your question, you most certainly can choose to use "more funny" or "most funny" instead of "funnier" or "funniest," and not be alone and unprecedented in your word choice. But as you know, the overwhelming tendency in English runs in the other direction.

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