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What comic did Thor fight Sentry?

In 'Siege' (2010) #3 and 'Siege' (2010) #4 Thor takes on Void Sentry as Void Sentry and an assault led by Norman Osborn engage a bloody siege of Asgard. The battle to decide who is the cosmic god!

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Inoltre,, is the sentry dead?

The Sentry was killed off immediately in Marvel's King in Black event, but the story's finale shows that he is avenged in the best possible way. La gente chiede anche:, can black adam beat thanos? 8 Thanos Couldn't Handle Black Adam Few single heroes can defeat him; his plethora of powers and sheer savagery making him one of the most feared beings ever. Even if Thanos got his shots in, Black Adam would survive them and fight that much harder, defeating the Titan.

Can Black Adam beat Thor?

Using his trusty hammer, Thor was able to deflect the livign lightning that turns Billy into Shazam, thus preventing him from transforming into his powered self. If Thor can defeat the hero that constantly wins against Black Adam, he can likely defeat Adam as well. Di conseguenza,, is black adam vs shazam? Black Adam was created as a villain for Captain Marvel (now known as Shazam) all the way back in 1945 in The Marvel Family #1, published by Fawcett Comics. Basically, he was Shazam before Shazam shazamed into Shazam.

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Riguardo a questo,, who is more powerful blue marvel or sentry?

Originally Answered: Who would win in a fight between The Sentry and Blue Marvel? Blue Marvel knocked him into orbit and beat anti-man, someone who sentry said was extremely powerful. Namor stated Blue Marvel was about as strong as Hulk and Thor, two people who have beaten Sentry. But Sentry has better overall feats. Is Blue Marvel stronger than Sentry? Blue Marvel gained several powers, such as the ability to shoot energy beams and fly. When it comes to his physical strength however, he is truly impressive. This hero has shown the ability to go toe-to-toe, and sometimes even surpass, the strength of heroes such as Hulk, Sentry, and Thor himself.

Di Zadoc Strausser

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