Gufosaggio > D > Does Sentry Have A Weakness?

Does Sentry have a weakness?

Nigh-Invulnerability: The Sentry is, for all intents and purposes, almost completely impervious to harm, unless he wills himself to be killed he has shown no direct weakness. He has been seen surviving extremely harsh atmospheric conditions, including the vacuums of space.

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Di conseguenza,, can sentry destroy planets?

Any attack will not destroy the planet, solar system, or anything unless the writer wants it to. Sentry just like other characters are bare minimum planet busters but their attacks don't create more than giant craters or earthquakes because the writers don't want Earth to be destroyed. Is Sentry a hero or villain? Sentry is a superhero in the Marvel Universe and also carries within him the supervillain known as the Void.

Di conseguenza,, who would win thor or sentry?

Sentry beats Thor in strength, speed, durability, and power. Yes, Thor's feats are impressive. But Sentry has gone toe-to-toe with World War Hulk (who took out Iron Man, Black Bolt, Dr. Strange, Thor and many others) and beat him to a stalemate. Can Jiren beat Sentry? Sentry can match Jiren speed and strength. Jiren has superior technique, and something akin to ultra instinct, if not actual ultra instinct. They're both very durable. Sentry Wins due to his ability to ressurect if destroyed on top of his molecule/reality warp abilities.

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4 Hercules. Hercules is the Olympian God of Strength and he might be one of the unique ones on this list capable enough of matching and overpowering Ultra Instinct Goku in terms of pure strength. Being a Half-God, Hercules is nigh-omnipotent and invulnerable to almost anything. How was Knull beaten? Knull nearly succeeded in doing so, but was defeated when the Silver Surfer expended the last of his Power Cosmic to conjure a star right in front of him, bathing him in stellar plasma and blasting him across the cosmos.

Di Gora Ioele

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