Gufosaggio > W > Will Going To Present Continuous Examples?

Will going to present continuous examples?

I'm meeting my friend for coffee. I'm going to tell her about my new job. Oh she can't come! Oh well – I'll take my dog to the beach instead.""

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What is present continuous tense with examples?

Il tempo continuo presente si forma con il soggetto e la forma particellare presente della frase principale. Il nuoto è un semplice esempio di questo tempo. Sto cantando in chiesa oggi, è uno deiTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkia è uno deiTrademarkia è uno deiTrademarkia è uno deiTrademarkia è uno deiTrademarkia è uno deiTrademarkia è uno deiTrademarkia è uno deiTrademarkia è uno deiTrademarkia è uno deiTrademarkia è uno deiTrademarkia è uno deiTrademarkia è uno

Di conseguenza,, how do you distinguish between present continuous and going to?

Di conseguenza,, what tense is is going to? The expression be going to, followed by a verb in the infinitive, allows us to express an idea in the near future: I'm going to talk to him. Very soon I will talk to him.

La gente chiede anche:, is going to future continuous?

To form the future continuous with going to, you need to use the correct present form of the verb to be (am/is/are). Then use going to be. Then use the -ing form of the verb. am going to be working. Will it be progressive? There is no future progressive for the ""to be"" verb. ""Will be being"" is expressed simply as ""will be"": ""We will be being happy."" Singular Plural he/she/it will be sleeping they will be sleeping Altre 3 righe

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Will going to and present continuous?

Quando prevediamo qualcosa, non usiamo il presente continuo. Usiamo andare o volere per presentare continuo, futuro o andare a lavorare.

Anche la domanda è:, why do we use present continuous for future?

Using the present continuous to talk about the future The present continuous is used to talk about arrangements for events at a time later than now. There is a suggestion that more than one person is aware of the event, and that some preparation has already happened.

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