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What is present continuous tense with examples?

The present continuous tense is formed with the subject plus the present particle form (-ing) of the main verb and the present continuous tense of the verb to be: am, is, are. One simple example of this tense is: He is swimming. Some other forms of this verb tense are: I am singing at church today.

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Will going to present continuous examples?

Sto prendendo un caffè con un amico. Le parlerò del mio nuovo lavoro. Non può venire! Porterò invece il mio cane in spiaggia.

Si può anche chiedere:, what are the rules of present continuous tense?

The structure of the Present Continuous Tense is: S + am/is/are (not) + V-ing +…. Am/is/are + S + V-ing +…? To describe something which is happening at the exact moment of speech. To describe an action that is taking place now but not at the exact moment of speech. To describe an event planned in the future. What is progressive example? An example of something that would be described as progressive is a disease or illness that gradually gets worse. An example of something that would be described as progressive is a school that encourages children to be creative and to think differently outside the social norms.

Successivamente,, is continuous and progressive the same?

'Progressive' means the verb is in progress at the moment. We often use progressive and simple together when a longer action is interrupted by a shorter action. 'Continuous' means the verb is ongoing and sometimes is used for more descriptive purposes. Successivamente,, what is a progressive form? Definition of progressive tense grammar. : a verb tense that is used to refer to an action or a state that is continuing to happen In English, a verb form in the progressive tense consists of a form of the verb "be" followed by the main verb's present participle.

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What languages have present continuous tense?

Spagnolo, catalano, portoghese, galiziano, turco, italiano, hindi, bengalese, quechua, basco... Questi sono quelli che hanno un tempo simile al presente inglese continuo.

Anche la domanda è:, will going to and present continuous?

We don't use the present continuous when we predict something. Instead, we use going to or will: Present continuous (I am working) Future: be going to (I am going to work) Di conseguenza,, how do you explain present continuous? The present continuous verb tense indicates that an action or condition is happening now, frequently, and may continue into the future. Aunt Christine is warming up the car while Scott looks for his new leather coat. They are eating at Scott's favorite restaurant today, Polly's Pancake Diner.

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