Gufosaggio > I > Is Going To Future Tense?

Is going to future tense?

The expression be going to, followed by a verb in the infinitive, allows us to express an idea in the near future: I'm going to talk to him. Very soon I will talk to him.

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Will be going to vs going to?

Will è spesso usato in modo simile. Quando parliamo di certezza, si usa la volontà. Quando vogliamo enfatizzare la nostra decisione o le prove nel presente, si usa essere in movimento.

What is different between Will and going to?

“Will” is used in the simple future tense where the decision is immediate; whereas the “going to” form is a separate form which is not used for the simple future tense. It is used to express what we think might happen in the future and when we decide at the time of speaking that something has to be done in the future. Will it be progressive? There is no future progressive for the ""to be"" verb. ""Will be being"" is expressed simply as ""will be"": ""We will be being happy."" Singular Plural he/she/it will be sleeping they will be sleeping Altre 3 righe

Is going to correct grammar?

You can say: I will be going to America next year / I'll be going to bed soon / I'll be going to the show too. However if you mean 'to' as part of an infinitive verb then it doesn't work. Allora,, is be going to a modal verb? The modal must in most meanings can be replaced by have/has to. This supplies the past and past participle form had to, and other forms (to) have to, having to. Will can be replaced by am/is/are going to. This can supply the past and other forms: was/were going to, (to) be going to, being/been going to.

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Is going present tense?

O spostarsi o andarsene. Nella maggior parte dei casi il participio passato di go è sparito, ma occasionalmente si usa "stato". Ti muovi o viaggi quando vai da qualche parte.

La gente chiede anche:, is will be going grammatically correct?

#2 - will be going - is more appropriate to speak of the future. The present tense can be used to denote future events in English. Both are correct. Is going to phrase? We use be going to to talk about future plans and intentions. Usually the decision about the future plans has already been made: She's going to be a professional dancer when she grows up. I'm going to look for a new place to live next month.

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