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What did dettlaff turn into?

In his rage, he tries to attack Geralt but Regis intervenes and fights Dettlaff. The two vampires battle and Regis is eventually smashed into a brick wall. Geralt continues the fight with Dettlaff, who after taking damage transforms into a skeletal vampire beast.

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What did dettlaff turn into?

Nella sua rabbia, cercò di attaccare Geralt. Le due battaglie tra vampiri si sono concluse con un muro di mattoni. Geralt continua la lotta con Dettlaff, che si trasforma in un vampiro dopo aver subito danni.

What happens if you start Blood and Wine before the main story?

Blood and Wine will be self contained, as is Hearts of Stone. That means you may start it any time you wish -- it has no bearing on the main story -- but it will be tailored to characters that are around level 34. Should I finish the main quest before Blood and Wine? Blood and Wine begins with the quest “Envoys, Wineboys”, and is intended as a final post-game story that acts as an epilogue to Geralt's journey. It should not be played until the Wild Hunt storyline is completed.

Can you leave Toussaint?

You can't leave Toussaint info on while quests.

Di Myrtle

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