QNA > W > What Are Some Apps Like Apple Notes, But With Latex Support?

What are some apps like Apple Notes, but with LaTeX support?

Edit. I end up using Dropbox Paper for my note management tool. The original answer is at the bottom.

Here’s the list of my needs:

  • supports LaTeX and MarkDown
  • hierarchically searchable
  • sharable or at least presentable to others
  • free

Dropbox Paper fulfills all the requirements. What’s better is that most of you already have an account with Dropbox. It’s now my favorite note tool.

I’ve tried two apps: Boostnote and Quiver. Both support MarkDown and LaTeX mode. Both apps offer essentially the same functionalities.

Some pros and cons are as below:



  • It’s free.
  • It has “code snippets” type note; You can write multiple code snippets and combine them in one note. The only use case for me is to gather all the LaTeX templates in one place.


  • Sometime the split pane view does not sync to each other
  • Sharing a note with others who don’t use this program is difficult.
  • Presentation view is not intuitive especially with toggle options.



  • Team collaboration is available. Though it depends on other file sharing apps such as Dropbox or Google Drive.
  • Aesthetically, better than Boostnote.


  • It’s not free ($9.99)
  • It’s “cell” (block of writing)-based editor, so you have to decide a cell type (text, code, markdown, latex, diagram) each time you start writing. (I just start with markdown type and write the entire note in markdown mode.)
  • Sharing a note with others who don’t use this program is difficult. (same issue)

Still, I think both are great apps to work with.

Di Risley

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