QNA > Q > Quali Sono Alcuni Dei Commenti Più Divertenti Nel Codice Sorgente?

Quali sono alcuni dei commenti più divertenti nel codice sorgente?

  1. /** 
  2. * The winter has come. Here I am, after 9 months of agony still 
  3. * modifying, writing crappy implementations, and adding more shit to a pile of horse 
  4. * poo that's been absorbing everything I've been throwing at it. E ha ancora fame... 
  5. *  
  6. * In my defence, I've tried everything from pitching to the board the necessity of throwing 
  7. * away this pile of junk, to getting an O.K to re-write portions of this monster, to expanding 
  8. * the development team, to do a refactoring sprint, code review sessions, but in vain... 
  9. *  
  10. * Here I am, desperatly copy\pasting my own code, the ugliest code I've written throughout my  
  11. * 10 years of software development. The most disturbing use of methods, and the most disgusting 
  12. * implementation of OOP standards and more. 
  13. *  
  14. * All hope is gone, and I'm left with no choice but to fight my way through crappy business 
  15. * requierements and a lousy decision making process to write what's not writeable only to meet 
  16. * illogical deadlines... 
  17. *  
  18. * I apologize fellow developer for if you reached this place, you're in my shoes now and probably 
  19. * cursing whoever gave birth to this ugly monster.  
  20. *  
  21. * I apologize fellow developer for you are thinking at this point in time that we're a bunch of  
  22. * retards who know shit about proper software development principles and standards. 
  23. *  
  24. * I apologize fellow warrior for you are having to read this mind boggling pile of junk, 
  25. * that's been written with the utmost feelings of depression and dispair. 
  26. *  
  27. * I was once a great developer, but not anymore. Now I'm very much capable of writing a whole 
  28. * 600 page book on "How NOT to write enterprise software" also another book on "How to abuse your machine". 
  29. * Questo codice ha preso la vita di almeno 3 o 4 computer durante il processo di sviluppo. They  
  30. * just couldn't handle the suffering anymore. Il dolore era troppo per loro. They had to end it 
  31. * in a way or another... 
  32. *  
  33. * I wish you the best of luck on your journey to come. It starts with feelings of rage and anger that 
  34. * briefly turn into motivation to fix whatever is fucked. But don't have high hopes my friend, I've been 
  35. * in your shoes... Soon it will all fade away and all you would be doing is appending to this comment  
  36. * with your story of pain and sorrow. 
  37. *  
  38. * The night of 14/11/2012 3:45 AM 
  39. **/ 

-- Edit 2/6/2013

I would like to add the following funny comments from the very early Computer Engineers (50's)

George Dyson at the birth of the computer | Video on TED.com

Di Damon

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