QNA > S > Should I Buy A Ps4 For A Few Games?

Should I buy a PS4 for a few games?

Should I buy a PS4 for a few games?

You ask for advantages and disadvantages.

This is actually rather simple:


  • You get to play all of the exclusive games!


  • You’ll need to find space for one additional gaming device
  • You’ll lose some money for the PS4 and for each of the games

No one can determine for you if the loss of money is worth playing those games.

For someone that answer would be no, for someone else it would be yes.

One way to approach this is comparative advantage analysis.

Calculate how much that is going to cost and what else you could get with that money that you want.

Also, if you think the price is high right now - it will go down over time. How urgent is this issue to you? Will you have the time to play in the future? Avresti qualcosa di più importante da fare in questo momento e qualcosa di meglio per cui spendere i soldi?

Queste sono domande molto, molto, MOLTO soggettive.

Anche se non ha assolutamente nulla a che fare con te, personalmente sto aspettando che i prezzi scendano fino al punto in cui mi sentirò a mio agio con loro.

Nel frattempo sto risparmiando per un headset VR + HOTAS rig per il mio PC. Ma sono solo io e quelli costano molto di più della PS4 e di un paio di giochi.

Di Girish Nassr

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