QNA > W > What Is The Formula For 1+Sin Theta?

What is the formula for 1+sin theta?

There will be several formulas of expressing [math]1+sin\theta[/math]

Firstly [math]sin\theta \implies cos\theta[/math]


[math]\implies sin\theta=\sqrt{1-cos^2\theta}[/math]

Adding 1 to both sides:-

[math]\implies 1+sin\theta=\sqrt{1-cos^2\theta} +1[/math]

EDIT (Added few more formulas) :


[math]\implies sin^2(\theta/2)+cos^2(\theta/2)+2sin(\theta/2)cos(\theta/2)[/math]

[math]\implies (sin(\theta/2)+cos(\theta/2))^2[/math]

Here is another approach :


Using [math]sinA+sinB=2sin[(A+B)/2]cos[(A-B)/2][/math]

[math]\implies 2sin(\pi/4+\theta/2)cos(\pi/4-\theta/2)[/math]

Want more?


[math]\implies 1+sin\theta=\dfrac{(1+tan(\theta/2))^2}{1+tan^2(\theta/2)}[/math]

[math]\implies (\dfrac{1+tan(\theta/2)}{sec(\theta/2)})^2[/math]


[math]\implies (cos(\theta/2)(1+tan(\theta/2))^2[/math]

Hope it helps.

Di Barvick Aschim

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