Gufosaggio > W > What Does Being Diverse Mean?

What does being diverse mean?

Diversity means having a range of people with various racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, and cultural backgrounds and various lifestyles, experience, and interests. An equal representation of age, race, gender, socieconomic status, religion, and political perspectives in the patient population.

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How do you use the word Europe in a sentence?

Europe sentence example We're in northern Europe , so you can't go wrong with sweaters. When you come home from Europe I hope you will be all well and very happy to get home again. Once again, war raged in Europe and around the world and left sixty million people dead. Antoine probably wasn't the main threat in Europe . What is a sentence for Australia? 1. She is becoming famous in Australia and elsewhere. 2. He took up residence in Australia.

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European usually refers to an inhabitant of Europe. In most cases, a citizen of a European country, who has lived their life there. Europe never meant a single ethnicity or nationality. 100 years ago, when Europe was virtually all-white, some people would use “white person” and “European” interchangeably. Riguardo a questo,, what is my nationality if i am an american? What is the nationality of someone born in the USA? Their nationality is “United States Citizen”, more commonly referred to as “American”.

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The French people (French: Français) are an ethnic group primarily located in Western Europe and nation that shares a common French culture, history, the French language and is identified with the country of France. What do Canadians call Americans? Canadians use "Canuck" as an affectionate or merely descriptive term for their nationality. If familiar with the term, most citizens of other nations, including the United States, also use it affectionately, though there are individuals who may use it as derogatory term.

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