What is 0.375 as a fraction ?
0.375 = 3/8
Here's a general method for converting terminating decimal expansions into fractions...
If the last non-zero decimal digit is 2,4,6 or 8, then write down color(red)(5) and multiply by it.
If the last non-zero decimal digit is 5, then write down color(red)(2) and multiply by it.
If the last non-zero digit is something else (i.e. 1, 3, 7 or 9) then write down color(red)(10) and multiply by it.
Repeat until you end up with an integer.
Multiply all the color(red)(5)'S, color(red)(2)'s or color(red)(10)'s you found together to form the denominator of your fraction and use the integer you ended up with as the numerator.
Quindi nel nostro esempio:
0.375 termina con 5, so write down color(red)(2) and double 0.375 ottenere 0.75
0.75 termina con 5, so write down color(red)(2) and double 0.75 ottenere 1.5
1.5 termina con 5, so write down color(red)(2) and double 1.5 ottenere 3.
Having reached an integer 3, we find the required fraction is:
3/(color(red)(2) * color(red)(2) * color(red)(2)) = 3/8