Come si trova l'equazione della bisettrice perpendicolare dei punti # (1,4) # e # (5, -2) #?




#"a perpendicular bisector, bisects a line segment at"#
#"right angles"#

#"to obtain the equation we require slope and a point on it"#

#"find the midpoint and slope of the given points"#

#"midpoint "=[1/2(1+5),1/2(4-2)]#

#color(white)("midpoint ")=(3,1)larrcolor(blue)"point on bisector"#

#"calculate the slope m using the "color(blue)"gradient formula"#


#"let "(x_1,y_1)=(1,4)" and "(x_2,y_2)=(5,-2)#


#"given a line with slope m then the slope of a line"#
#"perpendicular to it is"#


#rArrm_("perpendicular")=-1/(-3/2)=2/3larrcolor(blue)"slope of bisector"#

#"using "m=2/3" and "(x_1,y_1)=(3,1)" then"#

#y-1=2/3(x-3)larrcolor(red)"in point-slope form"#


#rArry=2/3x-1larrcolor(red)"in slope-intercept form"#

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